Seller’s Checklist

From Accepted Offer to Closing: Seller’s Checklist with A House to Home Realty

1.    Confirm Acceptance

·         Ensure that you have officially accepted the buyer’s offer in writing.

·         Notify your A House to Home Realty agent once the offer is accepted.

2.    Provide Necessary Documents:

·         Furnish any required documents to your agent promptly.

·         Work closely with A House to Home Realty to facilitate a smooth transaction.

3.    Open Escrow:

·         Collaborate with your A House to Home Realty agent to ensure all deadlines for deposit monies are met

·         Provide necessary information to the chosen escrow company.

4.    Buyer’s Inspections:

·         Allow access for inspections as specified in the agreement.

·         Address any concerns or repairs in coordination with your agent.

5.    Contingency Period:

·         Cooperate with the buyer to fulfill any remaining contingencies.

·         Keep open communication with your A House to Home Realty agent.

6.    Title Search and Insurance:

·         Allow the title company to conduct a title search.

·         Address any issues that may arise during the title search process.

7.    Finalize Repairs and Agreements:

·         Complete any agreed-upon repairs or negotiations.

·         Confirm that all contractual obligations are met.

8.    Prepare for Closing:

·         Collaborate with your A House to Home Realty agent to prepare for the closing.

·         Ensure that all necessary documents are in order.

9.    Review Closing Statement:

·         Carefully review the closing statement provided by the title company.

·         Clarify any questions or discrepancies with your agent.

10. Closing Day:

·         Attend the closing meeting prepared with necessary identification and documents.

·         Sign all required paperwork to finalize the sale.

11. Hand Over Keys and Possession:

·         Provide keys and access to the property as per the agreement.

·         Confirm the official transfer of possession.

12. Celebrate the Sale:

·         Celebrate the successful sale of your property!

·         Express gratitude through a testimonial to your A House to Home Realty team for their support.

At A House to Home Realty, we’re committed to guiding you through each step, ensuring a seamless and successful closing process.